Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Let's Get Under the Covers Together!

It's time to breathe new life into a couple of my book covers. Much as I love the cover for Peril, the way it sums up the MC anti-hero and his isolation, it doesn't really convey crime fiction. I also love the sequel cover for Getting Out of Dodge, with its mix of red-blooded murder and sex, but some have said it's derivative and the book has been refused ads on occasion. Another factor is these titles are the first two of a series and the covers don't have a series feel (see existing covers on the right side bar of this blog). So I've shortened the second title to Dodge and commissioned some new cover options. Now I need your help, by giving your feedback on which of the cover sets below do it for you (oh, and feel free to enter my publisher's draw to win a Kindle Paperwhite).

A - that dark, noir feeling? 

B - a softer, more colourful look?

C - a crisper, more colourful look?

Please drop a comment below on this blog post, email me or leave your thoughts as a note if you enter Marble City's free prize draw for a Kindle Paperwhite plus leather cover. Much appreciated!



  1. A and C have that rookie Photoshop feel. B, however, is the dog's bollocks.

  2. First impressions were B. Having read both, I think the B covers appeal to a wider audience (female, too) and hint at the literary style whilst still saying crime fiction. And I like the way the books seem more branded together. I do like the noir covers but there's something missing, for me. The colourful ones C: would be my second choice. Hope this helps!

  3. I like B. They are a bit dark and give a feel of thriller.

  4. My gut reaction was C, which is more direct and says 'pick me up', but B is absolutely beautiful, much more subtle and looks classier.

  5. All of the covers are attractive and eye-catching, but none of the images clearly say crime. I like C the most. The fight shown on the C cover of Peril actually occurs in the book, which is a plus. The man on the bench on the C cover of Dodge doesn't say much. The blurb "his choices.. their lives" is pretty vague. In all the covers, I like to see the city in the background, with whatever tint. I love the look of European cities.

  6. Don't like C, don't mind A, like B a lot.

  7. I commented, but my comment has disappeared. I'm hoping it will reappear by magick.

  8. Nope, obviously not, so here goes again. I don't much like any of the covers, to be honest. For me, they are all too vague, too out of focus, and lack clear images. C (Peril) hints as a crime, but even that is too small and dark. Just my 2p, Ruby. I do like The Baptist hand and water, though.

  9. I like all of them, but personally I'd go for B.

  10. "B" (I wrote a long comment, looked at it in preview, then the comment was deleted.)

  11. Thanks guys. Fairly strong votes for B on here. A was a dominant choice in a facebook readers' group. My original preference was C. So some rethinking required at my end :-)

  12. I like B - just seems more interesting.

  13. I love B. Definitely more likely to make me pick the book up
